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An Executive Chef responds to the Proust Questionnaire

Laurent André

Laurent André – Executive Chef of “Le Royal Monceau” Hotel in Paris responds to the Proust Questionnaire filtered through the exclusive prism of

Initially trained by Alain Ducasse in his three Michelin stars restaurant The Louis XV at the Hotel de Paris in Monaco and former Executive Chef of the Intercontinental Hotel in Hong Kong, Laurent André cherishes the beautiful and the good.

What is your favorite virtue?

What is your favorite quality in a man?

What are your favorite qualities in a woman?
Gentleness and ferocity

What do you most value in your friends?
Presence and loyalty

What do you consider your most marked fault?
I Want to control everything

What is your favorite hobby?
Rereading my old cookbooks

What is your idea of happiness?
To become immortal

If not yourself, what would you choose to be?
What I am

Where would you like to live?
In Australia for the great outdoors

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite flower?
Japanese cherry blossoms

What is your favorite bird?
The woodcock

What is your favorite poem?
‘’Green’’ of Paul Verlaine

What is your favorite composer?
Michel Berger

What is your favorite painter?
Fernando Botero

Who is your favorite hero in real life?
Alain Ducasse

Who are your favorite heroines in real life?
My wife and my daughter

What is your favorite dish?
Frog legs in cream sauce

What is your favorite wine?
White Corton Charlemagne Burgundy

What are your favorite names?
Elodie, Louise, Maxime

Which talent would you like to be most gifted with?

What is your motto?
Beautiful and good

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